Though we strive to be completely accurate in the information that is presented on our site and attempt to keep it as up-to-date as possible, in some cases, some of the information you find on the website may be slightly outdated. reserves the right to make any modifications or corrections to the information you find on the website at any time without notice.

This document will help you understand the nature of the content on this blog. If you’re in doubt, use the contact page to find out how to contact us.

If you read our About page, it explains very well that we are an independent website with a focus on education, business, technology, entrepreneurship, job listings, lifestyle, and various information content that can help our readers.

Keep in mind that our website generates money through affiliate marketing, display advertisements, and other methods that we will explain to you.

Let’s suppose that all external links on KIDIGITALI are affiliate links to keep things simple.

When you buy a product or service after clicking on one of these links, We get a commission.

You continue to pay only the product’s price. Our commission is deducted from the merchant’s earnings.

Content ownership and opinions

When we don’t quote someone, we write all of the articles, and all of the ideas are our own.

We add advertising links or banners to monetize the site as well. They go along with our posts, which are mainly informational.

These links and banners may suggest products related to what you’ve searched on the internet or what you are reading.

We write based on what experts are saying or experience, or We offer my personal experiences, expertise, and opinions. As a result, this blog contains material that may present a conflict of interest. And we won’t always be able to detect such information.

Feel free to contact me through the contact page.